Team Alignment & Integration

Organizational success depend on the seamless collaboration of the many teams within it, effective intra and inter teamwork is crucial. However, in some situations, due to differences in roles, agenda and objectives, there are unnecessary conflicts affecting optimal team performance.

We facilitate team integration and alignment, to accelerate team performance in achieving business goals. 

When is team alignment facilitation needed?

  • New leader integration – we provide one on one coaching to new leader in taking up a new team, so to ensure he can accelerate in understanding the team dynamics, each team member’s contributions and how best to leverage the team
  • New team integration  - where there are new members joining, or merging of teams with a mix of new and old members. We can facilitate the team members to get to know each other, develop relationships and establish new norms for collaboration
  • Organizational Change – many teams face changes, and many may get lost, frustrated and demotivated, so, teams become fragmented and nonproductive, or even have conflicts and disputes.  Thus,  during change, teams will benefit from help to reposition and realign itself to face the change constructively

Our Systematic Approach & Methodologies

We have a 3 step approach using a combination of structured methodologies :

  Team Diagnostic – through systematic diagnostic methodologies such as Facet5 Teamscape, 360 Feedback review, Staff Engagement Survey, key stakeholder interviews, focus group meetings or other relevant investigative studies, we identify gaps and misalignment

  Team Alignment – we implement tailored programs to facilitate leaders and teams to align its’ vision, business strategies and goals, working culture and norms.  It may be 2 to 3 programs, or a series of programs within a period of time

  Team Development & Improvement – to ensure sustainable improvement, we can also implement follow up development programs for the team as a whole or for selective team members.Aim is to ensure the team is learning and adapting itself,  and individual members.

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