Assessment Tool


developed by Australian Psychologist Mr. Norman Buckley, is a scientific, advanced and comprehensive psychometric assessment test based on the current internationally recognized "Big5" model of human personality and work behaviors.

Designed for business and workplace, and has been in use for 20 years, Facet5 is built on robust scientific model and research, and is an effective, practical business tool that can support the Entire Talent Management Cycle.

Current users include both companies and consultancies, such as AONHewitt, Deliotte, ManuLife Insurance, Samsung, Ikea, Nestle, eBay, Disney English... etc

Since its launch, over 1 million reports have been produced in over 60 countries worldwide.

Assessment Plus Ltd, affiliate company of ResourcePlus Ltd is certified user and master trainer of Facet5

How can Facet5 add value
Facet5 can produce 3 categories and 6 product solutions to support The Entire Talent Management and Employee Life Cycle Facet5 is one integrated tool that can support the Entire Talent Management Cycle, it can flexibly produce 6 reports in 30 languages, including simplified and traditional Chinese

Talent Acquisition & Selection Talent Development Team Alignment & Development


What does Facet5 measure?
It measures 5 deep rooted, sustainable, consistent foundation personality factors and 13 sub-factors ( or traits) in a person, thus, making more accurate and reliable assessment & predictions.

•    Will (Determination, Confrontation, Independence)
•    Energy (Vitality, Sociability, Adaptability)
•    Affection (Altruism, Support, Trust)
•    Control (Discipline, Responsibility)
•    Emotionality (Tension, Apprehension)

It can scientifically reveal a person’s

•    Personality dispositions & Behavioral inclinations, strengths & potential limitations
•    Intrinsic motivation and causes to frustration at work
•    Key work competencies, strengths & potential limitations
•    Stress vulnerability and reaction

Face5 Introductory Leaflet

Benefits of Certified User

As a certified user, you can join the Worldwide Facet5 Practitioner LinkedIn Group to exchange ideas with other users globally,  receive  regularly newsletter about Facet5, and get many free resources online!  For more information re accreditation programs, please contact us.


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